I had a doctor's appointment today and it went wonderfully. Everything looked fabulous. Optimum for IUI!
Here's what's going on:
> four follies ranging in size from 17.8 - 19.5
> endometrial lining 8.0
> estradiol 1,954
> HCG inject tonight at 2:30 am
> baby dance Thursday night
> IUI Friday at 3:30 pm
> baby dance Friday night
> baby dance Saturday morning
So after two weeks of injections, we're trying one last time with the IUI thing.
I do have dozens of medium sized follies that might cause me some problems. Because of them, I am at an elevated risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) again. After I get the trigger shot tonight, I will have to take it super easy. No strenuous activity. Looks like Kevo's bringing up the laundry baskets from the basement from now on!
8 hours ago
Good luck, guys! I wish you the best!
As corny as it may sound: babydust to you!
I am from conception-obsession and I saw your post today so I wnated to check out your blog!. You have been through alot!. GL on the next IUI. I have been TTC for 3 years and in my very first 2WW since my son was born in 2004. I am definately going crazy!! Hope all goes well with yall. My fingers are crossed!!
Thanks, ladies. I need all the luck (and baby dust) I can get!
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