Our home study is starting next Wednesday! It will consist of four meetings at two hours each. I really don't quite know what to expect. I suppose it will be like a giant interview. An eight hour interview. Three meetings will be at our social worker's home, and the last one will be at ours. I guess that means I've got a couple of weeks to catch up on our laundry.
I think we'll get to start the nursery soon. It's really close to being ready - all we have to do is move out the bed, buy the crib, the rocker-glider, move it all in, then decorate it with baby stuff. So really, we're the opposite of being close to ready. Pretty much all we've done is paint. Hey, it's a start. I think I want to make the nursery pretty neutral since we don't even have a clue when we'll be matched, let alone if we're going to have a boy or girl. Here are some ideas that I like. What do you think? Will you please vote over on the right side of the page? Thanks for your input.
Nursery 1
Nursery 2
Nursery 3
Nursery 4
21 hours ago
I wish you guys the best of luck, and i know you guys will be really good parents. Your awesome and i will see you this school year probally
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